


I like to take some photos while traveling. Sometimes, I might be too crazy about taking photos because I try to capture all the moments. However, I don’t do many selfies. For me, I like to take photos to record the cities, nature, monuments or buildings.

When I was exploring on the Internet, I saw a photo of the coliseum and it truly captured my attention. Several vehicles passed by the coliseum and I was thinking that, after almost two thousand years, so many things have changed and the coliseum is still there. So when I visit historical sites or monuments, I always try to learn more about their stories and understand how local governments protect this area or ancient buildings.

Furthermore, there are also many things to record by taking photos. For example, I know some friends who like to take photos of a train or tram. They even go to certain train stations to capture the moment when a train enters the station or passes by. I did take some photos of trains or trams, but not many. In some countries, the tram system has been in use for more than 100 years. Seeing some old trams on the street always makes me think of the history of a city.

Taking photos seems to be necessary when we travel. Recently, I talked to a friend who used to travel with me. We noticed that we didn’t take many photos of us. However, we did take many photos of the cities and we recall a lot of stories when we see those photos. Indeed, photos can help us remember the good things about traveling. Nonetheless, I used to try to take as many photos as possible while traveling, but now, I have changed my idea. I don’t need many photos to show that I was traveling. All I need is to enjoy the trip, explore the city and have fun.

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