
Change money wisely


I used to make a huge mistake, which was changing money at the airport. That really made me mad and my friends were also mad because the exchange rate at the airport was just really bad. We definitely need local currency during a trip and changing money is a very important thing to do.

A friend was really unhappy because I changed too much money at the airport. Back then, I was just thinking that I only needed to change money once. However, I didn’t notice the exchange rate. When we walked on the street, we saw a lot of places of currency exchange and the exchange rate was just so much better. I did learn a lesson.

Well, I still changed money at the airport a few years ago. I went to India and the government just announced the issuance of new banknotes. Before traveling, I couldn’t change any rupees. Meanwhile, I watched the news and all banks there were in a super long queue because people were waiting to change new banknotes. I had no choices, but changed currency at the airport. Actually, the queue was also very long at the airport and I was waiting for more than an hour and finally I got some rupees to take a taxi.

Making currency exchange is always an important thing to do when traveling. Monitoring the exchange rate carefully before a trip is actually very useful and you can change money when you see a good exchange rate. If you really can’t change currency in your country, do some homework to know how to change money at your destination. If you need money at the airport, for example, to buy a train ticket or take a bus, just change a small amount. In addition, when you change money in local currency shops, check the exchange rate again carefully. For example, in some places, they offer a better exchange rate for US dollars. In other places, you see a better rate for Euros. Just check your currency and think twice before making a decision. Thirdly, banks usually have credit card reward plans. Check your credit cards if there are any reward plans for international travel. Some reward plans are actually very generous.

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