
Make a wish


Make a wish here (Bergen, Norway)

Traveling has been one of my favorite things to do. Nonetheless, it’s not an easy thing to do in 2020. Due to the covid pandemic, there are many travel restrictions worldwide. But, let’s make a wish. We wish we could travel without many restrictions soon.

“I wish I could travel all around the world.” Many people make this wish at different times. I travel to several cities and countries. There are several places for people to make a wish. Normally, you toss a coin and make a wish. The most famous one is probably the Trevi Fountain in Roma.

Make a wish,

I hope to get my dream job

I hope to earn more

I hope to get married with someone I love

I hope to buy a new house

I hope to be healthier

There are a lot of wishes, but we can probably classify in these categories, career, relationships, health, material things and so on. But, in 2020, we probably don’t have to think too much. We hope to have covid-19 vaccines. Thus, we can travel without many restrictions, visiting friends, exploring the world or maybe doing business.

2020 is coming to an end very soon. Everyone is looking forward to a new start in 2021. Being able to travel will surely be many people’s wishes around the world.

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